NonKYC Websocket API v1.0.0

API Endpoint URL

The endpoint for our WebSockets API is: wss://


Public methods do not require any authentication. Private methods use the "login" method to authenticate using your Api Key & API Secret. Once authenticated, you do not need to reauthenticate as long as your websocket connection remains active.

Datetime Formatting

Unless otherwise stated, all timestamps are returned in ISO8601 format in UTC. Example: "2018-04-01T00:00:00Z" or "2018-04-01T00:00:00.000Z". If a timestamp is returned as an Integer, then that is a Unix timestamp in milliseconds.

Number Formatting

All finance data such as price, quantity, and fee should be arbitrary precision numbers and string representation. Example: "5.39300000"

Helpful Classes

You can find an example JS class here:


The server will send a ping/pong heartbeat every 60 seconds while connected


Subscription notifications include an integer sequence number. This number is unique for each subscribed pair and is incremented by one on each notification sent.


All Errors are formatted with error code and message (HTTP status codes are not used). If the 'error' field exists, then the call was not successful.

  "error": {
    "message":"Invalid JSON Request"
  "id": 123

Error Codes

Error Code HTTP Status Code Message Details
400 400 Unknown error An unknown error occurred somewhere in the system
402 400 Method not found The requested API method was not found
403 401 Action is forbidden for account
429 429 Too many requests Action is being rate limited for account
500 500 Internal Server Error
503 503 Service Unavailable Try it again later
504 504 Gateway Timeout Check the result of your request later
1001 401 Authorization required
1002 401 Authorization failed
1003 403 Action is forbidden for this API key Check permissions for API key
1004 401 Unsupported authorisation method Use Basic authentication
2001 400 Symbol not found
2002 400 Currency not found
10001 400 Validation error Input not valid
20001 400 Insufficient funds Insufficient funds for creating order or any account operation
20002 400 Order not found Attempt to get active order that not existing, filled, canceled or expired.
20003 400 Limit exceeded Withdrawal limit exceeded
20004 400 Transaction not found Requested transaction not found
20005 400 Payout not found
20006 400 Payout already committed
20007 400 Payout already rolled back
20008 400 Duplicate clientOrderId
20010 400 Address generation error Unable to generate a new deposit address. Try request later.
20011 400 Withdrawal not found The referenced withdrawal was not found.
20012 400 Withdrawals disabled Withdrawals are disabled for this currency or system wide. Check system status page.
20013 400 Withdrawal amount below minimum Minimum withdrawal amount for any currency is Withdraw Fee * 2.
20014 400 Withdrawal address invalid Ensure the address you are withdrawing to is correct.
20015 400 Payment ID Required This currency requires a paymentId when making a withdrawal request.
20016 400 Invalid confirmation code The provided confirmation code is incorrect.
20017 400 Withdraw already confirmed The withdrawal request has already been confirmed.

Global Paramaters

method - The method you would like to call

params - The parameters for the method

id - An identification you can pass to the server, the same id will be passed in the results.

Asset Lists

Request method: getAsset Public Method

Get single asset information

Input Parameters:

currency - The asset ticker you would like information on.

Request method: getAssets Public Method

Get all asset information

Input Parameters:


wscat -c wss://

  "method": "getAsset",
  "params": {
    "ticker": "BTC"
  "id": 123

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": {
	"_id" : "613b32b83a865a18ba4d3373",
	"createdAt" : 1631269560538.0,
	"updatedAt" : 1666755900150.0,
	"ticker" : "BTC",
	"name" : "Bitcoin",
	"network" : "Bitcoin Mainnet",
	"logo" : "bitcoin-btc-logo.png",
	"isActive" : true,
	"hasChildren" : false,
	"isChild" : false,
	"childOf" : null,
	"isToken" : false,
	"tokenDetails" : "",
	"useParentAddress" : false,
	"usdValue" : "20196",
	"depositActive" : true,
	"depositNotes" : "",
	"depositPayid" : false,
	"withdrawalActive" : true,
	"withdrawalNotes" : "",
	"withdrawalPayid" : false,
	"withdrawalPayidRequired" : false,
	"withdrawFeeMultiply" : 1.9,
	"confirmsRequired" : 2,
	"withdrawDecimals" : 8,
	"isDeflationary" : false,
	"deflationPercent" : 0,
	"withdrawFee" : "0.00050",
	"explorer" : "",
	"explorerTxid" : "",
	"explorerAddress" : "",
	"website" : "",
	"coinMarketCap" : "",
	"coinGecko" : "",
	"addressRegEx" : "^(?:[13]{1}[a-km-zA-HJ-NP-Z1-9]{26,33}|bc1[a-z0-9]{39,59})$",
	"payidRegEx" : "",
	"socialCommunity" : {
		"Reddit" : "",
		"Twitter" : "",
		"Facebook" : "",
		"BitcoinTalk" : "",
		"Github" : ""
	"coinGeckoApiId" : "bitcoin",
	"tokenOf" : null,
	"lastPriceUpdate" : 1666750835346.0,
	"circulation" : "19189418",
	"marketcapNumber" : 387549485928.0,
	"coinPaprika" : "",
	"coinPaprikaApiId" : "btc-bitcoin",
	"coinCodex" : "",
	"coinCodexApiId" : "BTC",
	"canLiquidityPool" : true,
	"canStake" : false,
	"canVote" : false,
	"imageUUID" : "d7cb5280-d0f2-4d0e-94f1-9c70b8df4883"

wscat -c wss://

  "method": "getAssets",
  "params": {},
  "id": 123

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": [
  ... Array of assets ... 

Market Lists

Request method: getMarket Public Method

Get single market information

Input Parameters:

symbol - The market symbol you would like information on.

Request method: getMarkets Public Method

Get all market information

Input Parameters:


wscat -c wss://

  "method": "getMarket",
  "params": {
    "symbol": "BTC/USDT"
  "id": 123

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": {
    "_id" : "613b3cc3cd39a81b02a75d7e",
    "createdAt" : 1631272131450.0,
    "updatedAt" : 1666757734600.0,
    "symbol" : "BTC/USDT",
    "primaryName" : "Bitcoin",
    "primaryTicker" : "BTC",
    "lastPrice" : "20232.79",
    "yesterdayPrice" : "19349.78",
    "highPrice" : "20374.96",
    "lowPrice" : "19241.14",
    "volume" : "1.9774",
    "lastTradeAt" : 1666757627884.0,
    "priceDecimals" : 2,
    "quantityDecimals" : 7,
    "isActive" : true,
    "primaryAsset" : "613b32b83a865a18ba4d3373",
    "secondaryAsset" : "613b398ed7a0bd1a304f963e",
    "bestAsk" : "20225.67",
    "bestAskNumber" : 20225.67,
    "bestBid" : "20220",
    "bestBidNumber" : 20220,
    "changePercent" : "+4.56",
    "changePercentNumber" : 4.56,
    "highPriceNumber" : 20374.96,
    "lastPriceNumber" : 20232.79,
    "lowPriceNumber" : 19241.14,
    "volumeNumber" : 1.9774,
    "yesterdayPriceNumber" : 19349.78,
    "volumeUsdNumber" : 39935.57,
    "primaryCirculation" : "19189418",
    "primaryUsdValue" : "20196",
    "secondaryCirculation" : "68473108026.8332",
    "secondaryUsdValue" : "0.999765",
    "marketcapNumber" : 387549485928.0,
    "spreadPercent" : "0.028",
    "lastPriceUpDown" : "down",
    "engineId" : 5,
    "isPaused" : false,
    "imageUUID" : "d7cb5280-d0f2-4d0e-94f1-9c70b8df4883"
  "id": 123

wscat -c wss://

  "method": "getMarkets",
  "params": {},
  "id": 123

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": [
  ... Array of markets ... 

Trade History

Request method: getTrades Public Method

Get trade history information on a market

Input Parameters:

symbol - The market symbol you would like information on. (ie. ETH/BTC or ETH_BTC)

limit - The limit of total results you would like (Optional, default: 100, max: 1000)

offset - Offset the results by this number (Optional, default: 0)

sort - 'ASC' for ascending order, 'DESC' for decending order. (Optional, default: DESC)

from - This is earliest datetime. (Optional). When using from or till, then both are required

till - This is latest datetime. (Optional). When using from or till, then both are required

wscat -c wss://

  "method": "getTrades",
  "params": {
    "symbol": "ETH/BTC",
    "limit": 3,
    "offset": 0,
    "sort": "DESC",
    "from": "2022-10-19T06:39:20.796Z",
    "till": "2022-10-19T18:39:20.796Z"
  "id": 123

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": {
    "data": [
        "id": "629ac7b8d4d2fd8969724d44",
        "price": "0.054443",
        "quantity": "2.213",
        "triggeredBy": "sell",
        "timestamp": "2022-10-19T16:39:20.796Z",
        "timestampms": 1666843143000
        "id": "624ff8abe2bc9634ee08841d",
        "price": "0.054453",
        "quantity": "0.030",
        "triggeredBy": "sell",
        "timestamp": "2022-10-19T16:39:20.796Z",
        "timestampms": 1666843143000
        "id": "613b398ed7a0bd1a304f963e",
        "price": "0.054454",
        "quantity": "0.052",
        "triggeredBy": "sell",
        "timestamp": "2022-10-19T16:39:20.796Z",
        "timestampms": 1666843143000
    "symbol": "ETH/BTC"
  "id": 123

Subscribe to Ticker

Request method: subscribeTicker Public Method

Subscribe to ticker information

Input Parameters:

symbol - The market symbol you would like to subscribe to.

Notification method: ticker

Request method: unsubscribeTicker Public Method

Unsubscribe from ticker information

Input Parameters:

symbol - The market symbol you would like to unsubscribe.

wscat -c wss://

  "method": "subscribeTicker",
  "params": {
    "symbol": "ETH/BTC"

Notification ticker
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "ticker",
  "params": {
    symbol: "ETH/BTC"
    lastPrice: "0", 
    lastPriceUpDown: "up",
    yesterdayPrice: "0", 
    changePercent: "0", 
    highPrice: "0", 
    lowPrice: "0", 
    volume: "0", 
    bestBid: "0", 
    bestAsk: "0", 
    spreadPercent: "0",
    lastPriceNumber: 0, 
    yesterdayPriceNumber: 0, 
    changePercentNumber: 0, 
    highPriceNumber: 0, 
    lowPriceNumber: 0, 
    volumeNumber: 0, 
    volumeUsdNumber: 0, 
    bestBidNumber: 0, 
    bestAskNumber: 0, 
    lastTradeAt: 0, 
    updatedAt: 0,
    sequence: 0

wscat -c wss://

  "method": "unsubscribeTicker",
  "params": {
    "symbol": "ETH/BTC"

Unsubscribe Response
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": true

Subscribe to Orderbook

Request method: subscribeOrderbook Public Method

Subscribe to orderbook information

Input Parameters:

symbol - The market symbol you would like to subscribe to.

limit - (Optional) The number of items on each side of the books. Default: 100

Notification snapshot method: snapshotOrderbook
  • Message contains a full snapshot of order book.

  • Notification update method: updateOrderbook
  • Message contains incremental changes, size = 0 means that price level was deleted. Sequence is an increasing number for each update, each symbol has its own sequence.

  • Request method: unsubscribeOrderbook Public Method

    Unsubscribe from orderbook information

    Input Parameters:

    symbol - The market symbol you would like to unsubscribe.

    wscat -c wss://
      "method": "subscribeOrderbook",
      "params": {
        "symbol": "ETH/BTC",
        "limit": 100

    Notification snapshot
      "jsonrpc": "2.0",
      "method": "snapshotOrderbook",
      "params": {
        "asks": [
            "price": "0.054588",
            "quantity": "0.245"
            "price": "0.054590",
            "quantity": "1.000"
            "price": "0.054591",
            "quantity": "2.784"
        "bids": [
            "price": "0.054558",
            "quantity": "0.500"
            "price": "0.054557",
            "quantity": "0.076"
            "price": "0.054524",
            "quantity": "7.725"
        "symbol": "ETH/BTC",
        "timestamp": "2022-10-19T16:33:42.821Z",
        "sequence": 8073827

    Notification update
      "jsonrpc": "2.0",
      "method": "updateOrderbook",
      "params": {    
        "asks": [
            "price": "0.054590",
            "quantity": "0.000"
        "bids": [],
        "symbol": "ETH/BTC",
        "timestamp": "2022-10-19T16:33:42.821Z",
        "sequence": 8073830

    wscat -c wss://
      "method": "unsubscribeOrderbook",
      "params": {
        "symbol": "ETH/BTC"

    Unsubscribe Response
      "jsonrpc": "2.0",
      "result": true

    Subscribe to Trades

    Request method: subscribeTrades Public Method

    Subscribe to trade information

    Input Parameters:

    symbol - The market symbol you would like to subscribe to.

    Notification snapshot method: snapshotTrades
  • Message contains a snapshot of the last 50 trades.

  • Notification update method: updateTrades
  • Message contains new trade information as it occurs.

  • Request method: unsubscribeTrades Public Method

    Unsubscribe from trade information

    Input Parameters:

    symbol - The market symbol you would like to unsubscribe.

    wscat -c wss://
      "method": "subscribeTrades",
      "params": {
        "symbol": "ETH/BTC"

    Notification snapshot
      "jsonrpc": "2.0",
      "method": "snapshotTrades",
      "params": {
        "data": [
            "id": "613b398ed7a0bd1a304f963e",
            "price": "0.054656",
            "quantity": "0.057",
            "side": "buy",
            "timestamp": "2022-10-19T16:33:42.821Z"
            "id": "613b398ed7a0be1a304f963e",
            "price": "0.054656",
            "quantity": "0.092",
            "side": "buy",
            "timestamp": "2022-10-19T16:33:48.754Z"
            "id": "613b398ed7a0bd1a304f363e",
            "price": "0.054669",
            "quantity": "0.002",
            "side": "buy",
            "timestamp": "2022-10-19T16:34:13.288Z"
        "symbol": "ETH/BTC",
        "sequence": 0

    Notification update
      "jsonrpc": "2.0",
      "method": "updateTrades",
      "params": {
        "data": [
            "id": "613b398ed7a0bd1a304f163e",
            "price": "0.054670",
            "quantity": "0.183",
            "side": "buy",
            "timestamp": "2022-10-19T16:34:25.041Z"
        "symbol": "ETH/BTC",
        "sequence": 0

    wscat -c wss://
      "method": "unsubscribeTrades",
      "params": {
        "symbol": "ETH/BTC"

    Unsubscribe Response
      "jsonrpc": "2.0",
      "result": true

    Subscribe to Candles

    Request method: subscribeCandles Public Method

    Subscribe to candlestick information

    Input Parameters:

    symbol - The market symbol you would like to subscribe to.

    period - The candlestick period you would like (Minutes). (5, 15, 30, 60, 180, 240, 480, 720, 1440)

    limit - Limit the results. (Optional, default: 100)

    Notification snapshot method: snapshotCandles
  • Message contains a a snapshot of the candlestick information up to the limit, sorted by newest first.

  • Notification update method: updateCandles
  • Message contains any new changes to the candlestick data.

  • Request method: unsubscribeCandles Public Method

    Unsubscribe from candlestick information

    Input Parameters:

    symbol - The market symbol you would like to unsubscribe.

    period - The candlestick period you would like unsubscribe from. (5, 15, 30, 60, 180, 240, 480, 720, 1440)

    wscat -c wss://
      "method": "subscribeCandles",
      "params": {
        "symbol": "ETH/BTC",
        "period": 30
      "id": 123

    Notification snapshot
      "jsonrpc": "2.0",
      "method": "snapshotCandles",
      "params": {
        "data": [
            "timestamp": "2017-10-19T15:00:00.000Z",
            "open": "0.054801",
            "close": "0.054625",
            "min": "0.054601",
            "max": "0.054894",
            "volume": "380.750"
            "timestamp": "2017-10-19T15:30:00.000Z",
            "open": "0.054616",
            "close": "0.054618",
            "min": "0.054420",
            "max": "0.054724",
            "volume": "348.527"
            "timestamp": "2017-10-19T16:00:00.000Z",
            "open": "0.054587",
            "close": "0.054626",
            "min": "0.054408",
            "max": "0.054768",
            "volume": "194.014"
            "timestamp": "2017-10-19T16:30:00.000Z",
            "open": "0.054614",
            "close": "0.054443",
            "min": "0.054339",
            "max": "0.054724",
            "volume": "141.213"
        "symbol": "ETH/BTC",
        "period": 30

    Notification update
      "jsonrpc": "2.0",
      "method": "updateCandles",
      "params": {
        "data": [
            "timestamp": "2017-10-19T16:30:00.000Z",
            "open": "0.054614",
            "close": "0.054465",
            "min": "0.054339",
            "max": "0.054724",
            "volume": "141.268",
        "symbol": "ETH/BTC",
        "period": 30

    wscat -c wss://
      "method": "unsubscribeCandles",
      "params": {
        "symbol": "ETH/BTC",
        "period": 30

    Unsubscribe Response
      "jsonrpc": "2.0",
      "result": true

    Socket Session Authentication

    Request method: login Public Method

    Authenticate session with your API keys in order to use any Private Method

    Input Parameters:

    algo - Either "BASIC" or "HS256".

    pKey - API Public Key

    sKey - API Secret Key, required for BASIC algo

    nonce - Random string, required on HS256 algo

    signature - HMAC SHA256 sign nonce with API secret key, required on HS256 algo

    Here is an example of creating the signature in Nodejs
    var hmac = crypto.createHmac('sha256', sKey);
    var signature = hmac.digest('hex');
    BASIC Authorization Request
    wscat -c wss://
      "method": "login",
      "params": {
        "algo": "BASIC",
        "pKey": "3ef4a9f8322f04bd8f09823b98403eae",
        "sKey": "2deb5702358fd553a4ed3e3229fd2d51"

      "jsonrpc": "2.0",
      "result": true
      "id": 123

    HS256 Authorization Request
    wscat -c wss://
      "method": "login",
      "params": {
        "algo": "HS256",
        "pKey": "3ef4a9f8c8bf04bd8f09884b98403eae",
        "nonce": "N1g287gL8YOwDZr",
        "signature": "b1c0ae399c2d341866a214f7d3ed755b821c1c36fc6f17083ef05fbb55b7f986"

      "jsonrpc": "2.0",
      "result": true
      "id": 123

    Order Creation

    Request method: newOrder Private Method

    Submit a new order request

    Input Parameters:

    symbol - The market symbol you are submitting an order for.

    userProvidedId - Unique string. If not provided, we will generate a random UUIDv4.

    side - 'buy' or 'sell'

    type - 'limit', 'market' (Optional, default: limit)

    quantity - Required. Order quantity.

    price - Order price. Required for limit type.

    strictValidate - Boolean (true/false). Price and quantity will be checked that they increment within tick size and quantity step. See symbol tickSize and quantityIncrement. (default: false)

    wscat -c wss://
      "method": "newOrder",
      "params": {
        "userProvidedId": "57d5525562c945448e3cbd559bd068c4",
        "symbol": "ETH/BTC",
        "side": "sell",
        "price": "0.059837",
        "quantity": "0.015"
      "id": 123

    Success Response
      "jsonrpc": "2.0",
      "result": {
        "id": "6d55e562c9453448e3cbd559bd068c4",
        "userProvidedId": "57d5525562c945448e3cbd559bd068c4",
        "symbol": "ETH/BTC",
        "side": "sell",
        "type": "limit",
        "price": "0.059837",
        "numberprice": 0.059837,
        "quantity": "0.015",
        "executedQuantity": "0.00",
        "remainQuantity": "0.015",
        "remainTotal": "0.000897555",
        "remainTotalWithFee": "0.000897555",
        "lastTradeAt": 0,
        "status": "New",
        "isActive": true,
        "isNew": true,
        "createdAt": 1636676119991,
        "updatedAt": 1636676119991,
        "reportType": "new"
      "id": 123

    Error Response
      "jsonrpc": "2.0",
      "error": {
        "code": 20001,
        "message": "Insufficient funds",
        "description": "Check that the funds are sufficient, given commissions"
      "id": 123

    Order Cancellation

    Request method: cancelOrder Private Method

    Cancel an existing order request

    Input Parameters:

    orderId - Use this parameter if you want to cancel by order id.


    userProvidedId - Use this paramter if you want to cancel by userProvidedId

    wscat -c wss://
      "method": "cancelOrder",
      "params": {
        "userProvidedId": "57d5525562c945448e3cbd559bd068c4"
      "id": 123

    Success Response
      "jsonrpc": "2.0",
      "result": {
        "id": "6d55e562c9453448e3cbd559bd068c4",
        "userProvidedId": "57d5525562c945448e3cbd559bd068c4",
        "symbol": "ETH/BTC",
        "side": "sell",
        "type: "limit",
        "price: "0.059837",
        "numberprice: 0.059837,
        "quantity: "0.015",
        "executedQuantity: "0.00",
        "remainQuantity: "0.015",
        "remainTotal: "0.000897555",
        "remainTotalWithFee: "0.000897555",
        "lastTradeAt: 0,
        "status: "Cancelled",
        "isActive: false,
        "isNew: false
        "createdAt": 1636676119991,
        "updatedAt": 1636676119991,
        "reportType": "cancelled"
      "id": 123

    Get Active Orders

    Request method: getOrders Private Method

    Get a list of all open orders

    Input Parameters:

    symbol - (Optional) The market symbol

    wscat -c wss://
      "method": "getOrders",
      "params": {
      	"symbol": "BTC/USDT"
      "id": 123

      "jsonrpc": "2.0",
      "result": [
          "id": "4346371528",
          "userProvidedId": "9cbe79cb6f864b71a811402a48d4b5b2",
          "symbol": "ETH/BTC",
          "side": "sell",
          "status": "new",
          "type": "limit",
          "quantity": "0.002",
          "price": "0.083837",
          "executedQuantity": "0.000",
          "createdAt": 1636676119991,
          "updatedAt": 1636676119991,
          "reportType": "status",
          "id": "4346371529",
          "userProvidedId": "9cbe79cb6f864b71a811402a48d48c73",
          "symbol": "ETH/BTC",
          "side": "buy",
          "status": "new",
          "type": "limit",
          "quantity": "0.002",
          "price": "0.073837",
          "executedQuantity": "0.000",
          "createdAt": 1636676119991,
          "updatedAt": 1636676119991,
          "reportType": "status",
      "id": 123

    Get Trading Balance

    Request method: getTradingBalance Private Method

    Get a list of all account balances

    Input Parameters:


    wscat -c wss://
      "method": "getTradingBalance",
      "params": {},
      "id": 123

      "jsonrpc": "2.0",
      "result": [
          "asset": "USDT",
          "available": "100.000000000",
          "held": "0.00000000"
          "asset": "BTC",
          "available": "0.013634021",
          "held": "0.00000000"
          "asset": "ETH",
          "available": "0",
          "held": "0.00000000"
      "id": 123

    Subscribe to Order/Trade Reports

    Request method: subscribeReports Private Method

    Subscribe to all order updates and new trades on your account

    Input Parameters:


    Notification snapshot method: activeOrders
  • Message contains a list of all currently active orders.

  • Notification update method: report
  • Message contains any new changes to your orders such as new order, cancelled order, or trade.
  • Request
    wscat -c wss://
      "method": "subscribeReports",
      "params": {}

    Notification snapshot
      "jsonrpc": "2.0",
      "method": "activeOrders",
      "params": [
          "id": "6447cf917963464a811a4af426102c19",
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    Notification report (trade)
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      "params": {
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        "tradeFee": "0.00000000"

    Notification report (new order)
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    Notification report (cancelled order)
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    Stable Connection Mon, 24 Mar 2025 23:54:53 GMT
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