Indowealth Token (IWT) has been listed on NonKYC exchange in the following markets:


About Indowealth Token (IWT)
Indowealth Token (IWT) is a RWA token that is backed by the New Batam Center Land Reclamation and Development Project (NBC Land), an Indonesian construction project approved by, and scheduled to be classified as, a Project of National Strategic Value by the Indonesian federal government ( and which involves several partners internationally including the China Communications Construction Company, a Fortune 500 company (IWT White Paper, page 9: IWT expects to track and be backed by NBC Land’s progress and updates throughout all phases of the project including post-construction revenue generation in perpetuity.

Find out more information at their website here:

Links to other details can be found on our asset information page here: NonKYC Asset Info for IWT
Posted by: NonKYC @ 12/18/2024, 3:39:45 PM GMT